Sunday, January 31, 2010


Can I be thankful for the Grammies?

There is just something magical about watching the grammies and seeing people make their dreams come true.
(And, btw, I loved Pink's performance.)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lost Keys

At church on Sunday I brought my camera because the nursery teacher had lost hers. She told a story about how she prayed and found it that morning. Then, a couple of the mothers started talking about the "prayer for lost things phenomenon." It always works no matter what.

Well, last night I went to bed and thought, okay, let's test it. I had misplaced my cell phone since Sunday (2 days) and felt I wanted to find it. I said a prayer last night and this morning. Getting out of my truck, I somehow looked at the glove compartment and remembered that I tucked the phone under the dash cover in the truck. It worked! My phone was found!

I picked up the phone, and my wallet and then shut and locked the doors of my truck--to discover that I had locked my keys in the truck!! Boy, was I glad I had the found the cell phone! Double thanks for that "prayer for lost things phenomenon." It worked for me this morning! Just in time. I was locked out of the house and truck, but at least I had my cell phone to call for help!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guinea Pigs

I decided to haul the two boys into the school yesterday. My son is in the same class as one of my best friend, Adrienne's daughter. Adrienne brought their Guinea Pig to school. Instead of saying something uplifting or wonderful about her kindness and how excited all the kids were to see it, I commented on how she was trying to lower the poor thing's life expectancy.
Yes, it was a feeble attempt at humor but sometimes it's better just not to make the attempt and say something positive.

I am grateful for the guinea pig experience to remind me that people will always appreciate a kind comment over one having to do with life expectancy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Shelves and Laundry Soap

So most of you that know me, know I am well, clumsy. It's okay, I have come to terms with it, pretty much. My husband built a shelf above our washer and dryer --- yeah! I am so thankful for it. And for him.
But, I am also thankful that yesterday, the first time I pulled down the laundry detergent, I only dumped out about 1/4 of it. : )

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Seeing a Movie on the Big Screen

My husband and I went on our first date in a long time. Of course, we went to see Avatar on the big screen. Because of the size of our family, it is just more economical for us to wait for movies to come out on DVD. Then we either buy or rent them and pop our own pop corn. But not last night, we went to see the real deal. And on the way home we had a good conversation about what it all meant and what James Cameron was trying to give as a message.

I am thankful JC was able to risk to create this movie. I am thankful I got to see the pic on the big screen, and I am most thankful that all the women in the movie were strong and courageous and kicked butt.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sea Creatures

Yesterday, I was forced to go shopping with my two youngest children. I never shop with kids. But, I figured seeing we were only going to go into the sports shop and it was 8 in the morning, I might survive. My five year old loved everything there--and as we walked out he pointed to the big net for fishing on the wall and said, " That one there, it is for sea creatures."

I am a tack magnet, every time I go for a walk, I run over one! I am thankful for my flat tire on the bike trailer so I had to go in and get a new inner tube-- making the opportunity for my son to whisper a sweet little interpretation for me.

Listening to a Author Speak

I am so thankful for Adrienne for feeding me breakfast, letting me park my car in her driveway and befriending me at the conference. I just could not be more blessed to have a friend like her. And for Michelle who strives to be a good person and was honest today by waiting until the end of the food line before she ate.
For my husband, for trying to make the craft shelves I most desperately want.

And for Barabra Coloroso, whom I heard speak today. For her admonishment to make our children make choices and teach them to be ethical responsible individuals. And for what she said about discipline has latin roots meaning to give meaning to life. As well as -- "No, Never, not ever. We don't say that because it's mean and it's cruel! "

My Son winning the Stardoll Contest

Yes, Stardoll is a web cite where kids can create a virtual "me" doll and dress yourself up with the latest fashions. My son has always loved fabrics, designing and frequently goes on this web cite. Yes, my son. And recently he sent in an entry of some drawings of fashions he designed to a contest... and he won!

I am thankful that he did win because for a while he was blaming me that I did not get his entry to the post office in time ( yeah, I did procrastinate a bit) but I thought that would be a good enough excuse for him for not winning... but now there does not have to be an excuse.
And I am thankful for the confidence this competition will give him to continue with his dream to be a fashion designer.

Jack Sparrow

We watched Pirates of the Caribbean tonight. In an effort to save money we are viewing some of the movies we already own. I am thankful for four little boys sitting on the couch and when asked said, " I want to be Jack Sparrow!"

I am thankful for their invincible spirits and the innocence that childhood brings-- and that I can be a mommy and be a part of it.

P.S. I am thankful for Johnny Depp too. Because who can't love an actor that can pull of Jack Sparrow, Willy Wonka and the Mad Hatter.


I have a lot to be thankful for. This blog is just to write it all down.